Thursday, April 21, 2005

LGBT: Two steps forward, one step back

Connecticut govenor Jodi Rell signed into law a bill that legalized same-sex civil unions (two steps forward) while "defining" marriage as a union between one man and one woman (one step backwards). While we're certainly making progress here, there's still a hint of fear in my mind.

But I say that first and foremost, lets celebrate this accomplishment and work to preserve it. We know that opponents of gay rights are going to attack this bill like none other. Instead of spending all our energy on pushing for same-sex marriage in CT, let's spend a little time trying to convince the CT public that this bill is good and not a threat to them. Once we've won them over, then we can start thinking about pushing for marriage rights. Let's not get too greedy and end up losing what we've already won.

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