Sunday, October 24, 2004

Politics: Unilateral threat -- Robertson to start new party if Bush turns back on Israelis

From Oct 4:

Influential American evangelist Pat Robertson said Monday that Evangelical Christians feel so deeply about Jerusalem, that if President George W. Bush were to "touch" Jerusalem, Evangelicals would abandon their traditional Republican leanings and form a third party.
Maybe that'd be a good thing. Maybe the evangelicals need their own party, running on a socially conservative and economically random ticket. The neocons could take over the current Republican party, and run on a fiscally conservative and socially moderate/liberal ticket. The Democrats could be the party of moderates who don't believe in anything. Maybe we could get a new Liberal party as well, maybe we could even call it something cute like Labour. Libertarians and Greens might matter too.

Under this plan, I couldn't call a Republican a socially defunct asshole anymore, because their tax plans wouldn't involve putting homosexuals in cages and hanging them over shark tanks like they do now. Maybe I could even vote for one of them and not be up all night vomitting over the way I just helped to marginalize the citizenry of my country.

(nice dream)

1 comment:

Pepper said...

And now you know exactly why the Republicans will never side against Israel in anything. What amazes me is that some Jews think this is a positive thing. They blind themselves to the fact that the Christian right only supports Israel as a means to accelerate the end times fortold in Revelations, when they will convert us Heathen Jews into good Christians who will aid them in the battle against the anti-Christ.

I still believe my favorite quote about Jews from Bush comes from the Austin Statesman. When asked what he's going to tell the Jews when (then Governor) Bush lands on his trip to Israel, Dubya responded, "Go to hell." Now he apparently wants our votes. Go figure.