Politics: Bush says party wrong to oppose civil unions
Even though he also says he wouldn't support them in Texas. But at least he's not being as insanse as I'd expect.
Health policy. Mental health. Women's health. LGBT health. Progressive politics.
Even though he also says he wouldn't support them in Texas. But at least he's not being as insanse as I'd expect.
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6:48 PM
Well I'm glad he is at least being smart about this choice. I just wonder what poll that Karl Rove pulled out would convince Bush that he might get swing voters who believe in civil unions to vote for him....
stevo i think you probably scored high on the cynicism questionaire. i scored 0 out of 3, and i believe president bush is proving once again that he is a compassionate conservative who deserves four more years. :)
mikey you just made me piss myself laughing. which was bad, b/c i wasn't wearing any pants!
Congrats on scoring 0/3, Mikey. Unfortunately, on compassionate conservatism, Bush scored a 0/2. My apologies to Kerry for stealing his line.
BTW, I'm really glad that Bush come out in support of civil unions. No one in the gay community is dumb enough accept this as reason to switch back to supporting Bush, but it'll piss off plenty in the hardcore Christian right. Way to take a stand that (although I agree with) will only cause you to lose votes, dumbass.
Well, its not so much that he supports civil unions, but that he thinks the "states should decide." I get so tired of hearing that stupid phrase.
But again, it's a great step forward.
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