Saturday, August 28, 2004

Politics: you better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone

The Bush daughters are planning on attending a gay wedding.

How can the administration continue the fight against homosexuality when the children of the administration, the generation that will soon lead this country, has moved on? The truth is, they can’t. Eventually, right outsmarts might. And in these final moments, one can practically picture the blond and buxom Jenna Bush sticking her tongue out at her father and saying, “I’m going anyway, Dad. And you can’t stop me.”


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hm. I'd not heard of this one. Combined with Cheney's recent statements, I have a very mixed feeling about this trend. On one hand, I'm glad that the Republicans seem to be starting to take a more reasonable tone with respect to gays. On the other, it seems like thay're trying to have it both ways - stirring up the religious right vote to vote against homosexuals on one side, and trying to seem more human on the other in order to take a little piece of the "gay vote." Then again, making Cheney seem more human is a tough task at best...