Thursday, April 21, 2005

Politics: values fight back

John Kerry:

I am sick and tired of a bunch of people trying to tell me that God wants a bunch of conservative judges on the court and that's why we have to change the rules of the United States Senate. I am sick and tired of (them saying) they somehow have a better understanding of Christianity, of the Judeo-Christian ethic, of values. We're talking about values? You show me where in the New Testament Jesus ever talked about the value of having taxes and taking money from poor people to give to the rich people in this country.
I'm not precisely sure what he means by that last statement (the tax is at least progressive in theory), but you've gotta love the spunk!

Update: And a video message from Kerry. Excellent message, if you can stay awake for it. I think I like post-election Kerry much better than pre-election Kerry. He's re-embraced the "most liberal Senator from Massachussets" charge in a push for national health care for children, and can come out and knock on DeLay and Frist unabashedly. And with Hillary shifting from "most liberal" to "most doing-whatever-it-takes-to-try-to-get-elected," I think Kerry can now pick up the "New England liberal" congressional slack.

1 comment:

Matz said...

The video message is 4 minutes long and 3.5 minutes too long. Nice ideals, and still better than the election Kerry but lacking in that appeal that made Clinton so popular.