Medicine: Punchdrunk GenMed Singalong
Maximum number of hours a resident can work each week before program gets into trouble = 80.
Maximum number of hours a student can work each week before program gets into trouble = 168.
So, with precisely four weeks scheduled for my general medicine sub-internship this month (07.31 - 08.27), I just want to track whether I'll make it under the resident cap.
28 days, minus four days off, so 24 days, working an average of 13 hours and 20 minutes a day, would do the trick. Right now, I'm right on track.
To be clear, I'm not complaining. That's what a sub-internship is, and I don't think I could have hand-picked a more pleasant team to be paired with. But no matter how Panglossian I get describing the experience, it's no vacation. It's also by no means even one of the worse sub-internships that a fourth year medical student could take, and there are worse things to be doing than tucking sick people into their hospital care.
Watching FoxNews, for example. Or being constipated. Those things are much worse. I could also be on the rectal exam service with my GI/Liver colleagues. I prefer to stick that finger into my nose rather than a sick person's ass. A healthy person, that's a different story. But these people have blood in their asses. Ew!
I'll keep updating this everday, for those random folks who might care. If I can get one person randomly googling into Sparkgrass to go to cooking school instead of medical school, I will have done my job.
07.31 0830 - 1730 9 hours
08.01 0630 - 1600 9.5 hours
08.02 0630 - 2400 17.5 hours
08.03 0000 - 1430 14.5 hours
08.04 0600 - 1830 12.5 hours
08.05 0000 - 0000 Day off!
08.06 0600 - 2400 18 hours
08.07 0000 - 1300 13 hours
08.08 0600 - 1800 12 hours
08.09 0630 - 1500 8.5 hours
08.10 0600 - 2400 18 hours
08.11 0000 - 1500 15 hours
08.12 0600 - 1100 5 hours
08.13 0000 - 0000 Day off!
08.14 0600 - 2400 18 hours
08.15 0000 - 1300 13 hours
08.16 0630 - 0630 12 hours
08.17 0630 - 1500 8.5 hours
08.18 0600 - 2400 18 hours
08.19 0000 - 1400 14 hours
08.20 0630 - 1530 9 hours
08.21 0000 - 0000 Day off!
08.22 0600 - 2400 18 hours
08.23 0000 - 1300 13 hours
08.24 0630 - 1830 12 hours
08.25 0630 - 1530 9 hours
08.26 0000 - 0000 Switch Weekend
08.27 0000 - 0000 Switch Weekend
Total 297 / 320 (92.8% max)
Very refreshing/depressing commentary. Personal strategy for my genmed sub-i: be post-call and actually see the sun (otherwise it's 6am-9pm). Fun to see all ya'lls critical commentary. Am glad to have postponed my "doctor-ita" responsibilities and joined you folk on the sinking ship. Will be abandoning it soon though. cheers, priscila
My peds subi:
Non call days: 7:30 a.m. - 3p.m., except Fridays, when sign out is at 2 p.m.
To be fair, I AM q4, but I also don't have to work weekends if I'm not on call.
I love peds.
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