Monday, February 21, 2005

Science: Einstein@Home

If you're tired of letting your computer search for extra-terrestrial life or a cure for cancer while you're away, here's your chance to let your computer analyze gravitational waves from space to test Einsteinian physics.


Aashoo said...

Icky BOINC client keeps making my graphics card freeze out. I'm sticking with the old SETI@home until they get BOINC to work right.

Kolonay said...

I'm in the top 1% of Seti@Home contributors. Since I know I will never really do much better (except through the dillution caused by the influx of new members), I've been thinking about doing E@H.

BTW, for the person above having problems, see if you can find a Win32 version of the command line client. I've always run the command line version of S@H because it will result in slightly better performance.