Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Politics: neocons going green?

Of course not. But passive aggression is still fun aggression when your policy involves beating up other countries cuz it's cool. I mean, I'm all up for screwing foreign oil and all, but ya know, I would put making the Earth a livable place also high up there on my list of priorities.

Robert Bryce explores why there are suddenly so many Priuses driving around with Bush/Cheney bumper stickers, a phenomena I'd noticed even in the liberal confines of Ann Arbor.

Last year when my beloved '93 Camry died, I cashed in all that surplus scholarship money from undergrad and found myself deciding between a 20-mpg Honda CRV or a 58-mpg Toyota Prius. My vehicle would have to last me a minimum of ten years while I'm practicing playing George W. Bush (i.e. spending money and taking out loans to do it) in medical training. Anticipating travelling with Derby-sized dog, moving at least a time or two in that time period, and the fact that I'd see months where getting above 32 degrees was really just a fiction, I went for the relative gas-guzzling Accord-with-a-big-ass CRV. Of course, I calculated the yearly gas budget based on a then-reasonable pre-Iraq average gas price of about $1.25/gallon and Prius tax breaks which have since expired. The fact that auto insurance companies, who don't have actuary tables on hybrid vehicles yet, were raping the hell out of Prius owners didn't help the Prius' case either.

But if you don't live in the Artic, don't have a dog whose cage takes up more room than the rest of your luggage combined, and want to screw over the Saudis and/or save the world, then a Prius may be right for you!

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