Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Politics: Gingrich open to 2008 possibility

Okay, so it's both old news and a bunch of hype. Still, I thought it was an interesting thought to chew over. In any case, MSNBC is reporting that Newt Gingrich is trying to pretend that he's exploring the possiblity of running for prez in 2008 in order to sell more copies of his book.

I honestly can't decide how I would feel about a Gingrich run. On one hand, he might be so incredibly awful as a candidate, he could have an Alan Keyes effect; the Democrats might sweep into office. On the other hand, if the Dems don't shape up and get their own house in order, someone as terrible as Gingrich could possibly win.

In short, I don't know whether to support a Gingrich run (and maybe even vote for him the primary) or fear it. Any thoughts?

Garrett Update: At least one staunch conservative fears a Gingrich run.

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