Saturday, December 11, 2004

Politics: NannyGate Part 4: Bernard Kerik

WTF is wrong with these people? Three appointees for various posts had this problem under Clinton, and now one under Bush?

Of course, the Progress Report has listed everything else the guy has ever done wrong since the day he was born.

1 comment:

Bo said...

I, too, think the concern about Kerik's nanny is a little overblown.

I took a class on the US Presidency in college, and this subject came up. I'm inclined to beleive what the professor said -- that these small issues (undocumented nanny, smoked pot in college) come up as a substitute for larger issues (usually policy differences or larger scandals).

Both sides want to avoid a protracted fight about policy or messier scandals, so they focus on nannies or marijuana 30 years ago. In Kerik's case, I suspect he has some other dubious stuff in his background. The 'nanny' story is a convenient way to withdraw his nomination without tarnishing his reputation too much.