Sunday, December 19, 2004

Politics: McAuliffe for DNC Chair again?

The Quad-City Times is reporting that there exists a small, if not-as-yet-growing movement to keep Terry McAuliffe as the DNC chair for another year. What's that statement about the definition of insanity? Oh right, it's doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Keep McAuliffe for any longer and the Democrats might as well go ahead and permanently change their name to "The Minority Party"

On the other hand, look at the sources (Iowa campaign chairmen) and the headline ("Iowa Dems think caucuses are safe for '08"). Most of the early frontrunners for the DNC chair position have toyed with the idea of replacing Iowa and New Hampshire with relevant first-round primary contests. As well they should. These statements are probably no more than some Iowa politicos hoping to protect their own undeserving self-importance.

1 comment:

Garrett said...

In happy news, Ralph Nader is endorsing Dean for DNC chair.