Sunday, October 31, 2004

Politics: Zogby and Cellphones

It looks like Zogby has finally tried to solve the cell phone problem. As I keep meaning to point out my as-yet-unwritten Poll Rant #3, one of the major problems with polls this year is the sample. People with mobile phones and no landlines aren't included. These voters tend to be young and Democractic-leaning. The two big questions, however, are how Democratic-leaning and will they vote?

Zogby finds, in a first ever mobile phone only poll, that Kerry leads Bush by 15%. Furthermore, only 3% of those polled say they "don't plan on voting" or "aren't sure if they're going to vote."

I take this with a grain of salt for many reasons. These phone numbers were taken from MTV's Rock the Vote subscriber database, which does tend to skew Democratic. Also, saying you're going to vote does not necessarily equal voting. However, this is encouraging news.

*sigh* Only two more days until the recount....

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