Saturday, October 16, 2004

Politics: Jon Stewart is a genius

It's pretty impressive when Stewart, the host of the Daily Show, can walk on CNN, on Crossfire, and as I told Garrett "put his dick in their mashed potatoes, and blow a wad on it for gravy." And I certainly agree with parts of what he says.

CARLSON: Is John Kerry -- is John Kerry really the best? I mean, John Kerry has...
STEWART: Is he the best? I thought Lincoln was good.
CARLSON: Is he the best the Democrats can do?
STEWART: Is he the best the Democrats can do?
CARLSON: Yes, this year of the whole field.
STEWART: I had always thought, in a democracy -- and, again, I don't know -- I've only lived in this country -- that there's a process. They call them primaries.
STEWART: And they don't always go with the best, but they go with whoever won. So is he the best? According to the process.
Stewart continues to rip Carlson apart. Just another testament to how shitty partisan outlets makes American democracy.

Garrett Update: Watch the clip! And here's another of the same Mikey found, streaming, which is a little more complete. Plus you can Enounce it.


Anonymous said...

check out the video on ifilm


Garrett said...

thanks mikey, I found it on Media Matters before I read your comment.