Politics: Kerry in Iraq?
Michael Reynolds blogs about the sad but true: Kerry doesn't have a plan for Iraq.
Now of course, Bush never DID have a plan for Iraq, unless you count playing an all-night game of Risk w/ Dick, Karl, and Rummy. And he doesn't have a plan now, other than, er, win, and, um, give 'em democracy. The right to vote in a theocracy, I guess. So what does Kerry run on? "Well, I wouldn't have got us there in the first place." True. Most non-retarded monkeys could have kept us out of Iraq. So that's not exactly a huge point, unless he wants to start running ads that say: "I'm John Kerry, and I am not a retarded monkey, and I approve this message." It might be effective. But maybe he should just make something up, tell everybody he's going to ask the UN to do it for us and forget that nasty Bush man ever got elected (oh, wait...). Or something. Anything. Give us a plan, John. Just use a sentence with more than one clause, and that'd be something more than your opposition is giving. Anything. Seriously.
Update: Bo seems right there w/ me. Of course, when I criticize Kerry, I sorta expect him to be.
Heh. Well, I'll give the man credit when I think it is due. I just haven't felt that it was due that often. :)
Likewise to the reverse, my friend :)
I'd much rather have a beer and watch a baseball game with G-Dub. You might have heard about this, but apparently these guys in Virginia started a spoof off the Swift Boat guys--it's like Sports Fans for Truth. Kerry has said somethings about the Red Sox and things like that just simply haven't made sense, and they're questioning his ability to be Sports-Fan-in-Chief. Hopefully I've got the link bookmarked somewhere, when I read about it it seemed pretty humorous.
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