Saturday, June 12, 2004

Idiot Christian Sighting of the Week

I've found this link a few times this week, and decided it was time to finally blog it.

Apparently a group in South Carolina wants all Christians to move there so they can form an independent constitutional country separate from the United States. There are too many jokes I can make here, so I will refrain to some extent. Things I don't know: if BJU will be in its jurisdiction as the state university, or if they will set up camp at Fort Sumter.

Among the reasons for the proposed succession:

-Abortion continues against the wishes of many states (really? what state? denial?)
-Children may not pray in our schools (didn't know we had a thought police)
-The Bible is not welcome in schools except under strict federal guidelines
-The 10 Commandments remain banned from public display
-Sodomy is now legal and celebrated as 'diversity' rather than perversion (leaving this alone as too easy)
-Preaching Christianity will soon be outlawed as 'hate speech' (haven't seen this legislation yet)
-Gay marriage will be foisted upon us in the very near future (not people who love each other getting health care! no!!! the future of the family is in danger!)

I hate to say it, but I wish this plan would work. Then maybe Cowboy could find a use for some of those A-bombs he keeps wanting to drop on the Brownies.

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