Monday, June 6, 2005

LGBT: not wasting anytime

Today's various forms of dissolution of marriage, free unions, trial marriages as well as the pseudo-matrimonies between people of the same sex are instead expressions of anarchic freedom which falsely tries to pass itself off as the true liberation of man.
In our two part series today on missing the point, kudos to Pope Benedickt for this contribution to the handbook on how to be an oppressive jerk.


Kyle said...

Folks like to accuse B16 and others of "picking on" LGBT individuals. The Reuters headline is about gay marriage, but in the context of the Pope's comments, it's just one more thing.

But I'll take the bait. In which world culture do you find Benedict to be an active oppressor? Surely not in the West where governments are founded on terms of classical liberalism and there is no way for the Roman Catholic Church to compel people to subscribe to its morality under threat of some kind of temporal punishment.

As I see it, the Pope leads a voluntary community of folks that at least ideally, seeks to embody an alternative lifestyle in the context of the reigning conservative or liberal orthodoxies. You don't like it, don't be a Roman Catholic.

It is deeply unfortunate and a source of grave distress for me that one aspect of the Church's teaching about human identity and relationships happens to coincide with the prejudices of many conservatives. I think we see folks opposing the same things for different reasons.

Divorce is a far less sexy issue. The Vatican says many of the same things about that topic, but the right wingers conveniently ignore it and the left seem uninterested. Dunno why that is.

des_skevin said...

too true, oh for the days when we could convert the heathen with the point of a sword, spear, pike or other martial object.