Sunday, January 30, 2005

Iraqi Elections: thrilled to be wrong

The so-called MainStreamMedia (which can report nothing good about the war, according to the Rascally Right) and even the Liberal 'sphere is gushing about the success of the elections (see Yglesias, Kevin Drum, et al). Of course, UM prof Juan Cole is a little more reserved, but I would expect nothing less. Kos (again, expectedly), has the most negative take. Most of the lefties seem to attribute the high turn-out to amazing security measures rather than any sort of symbolic political victory for Bushian democracy, but hey. We'll all take what we can get.

So no, the election wasn't perfect. No, the war isn't over. No, our kids don't get to come home yet. And no, the Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds don't particularly like each other yet.

But today at least seems like some sort of progress towards all these things, except maybe the last one. Let me be clear, neoconservative foreign policy is still maniacal, vengeful, and stupid. But that doesn't mean I won't celebrate their few good days with them.

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